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Single Author:

Author (surname first then initial(s)). (Date of publication). Title of the book. Place of publication: publisher.


Booth, B. (2002). Earthquakes and volcanoes. London: Oxford University Press.

2 – 5 Authors:

Author 1 (surname first then initial(s)), Author 2 (surname first then initial(s)), & Author 3 (surname first then initial(s)). (Date of publication). Title of the book. Place of publication: publisher.


Smith, A.B., Donald, M., & Lutton, W. (2005). A handbook of literary terms. New York: Picador.

Authors are listed in the order they appear on the book cover or title page.

No Author or Editor:

Title. (Date of publication). Place of publication: publisher.


Raising children in the information age. (2001). Perth: UWA Press.

No Author but has Editor:

Editor’s name (surname first then initial(s)) (Ed.). (Date of publication). Title of the book. Place of publication: publisher.


Loewenstock, J. (Ed.). (1999).Encyclopaedia of the natural world. Chicago: Harper Collins.

Article or Chapter in a book:

Author of article/chapter. (publication date). Title of article/chapter. Editor of the book, Title of the book.(page numbers of the article/chapter). Place of publication: Publisher.


Miller, D. (2002). The health of the Swan River. In C. Robertson and M. Jones (Eds). How the rivers run. (pp 27-32). London: Cambridge University Press.