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This is where you will find lots of practical tips on how to manage your time more effectively, get the most out of your class time, memory techniques, active study, exam preparation and revision.

Ergo is a fantastic site by the State Library of Victoria that includes information on how to do research assignments, essay writing and how to prepare for exams.

How-To-Study.Com has a range of study skills strategies and techniques including test taking strategies.

The Learning Scientists present six effective strategies that will help you learn, revise and retain information. There are downloadable slideshows explaining how to use each strategy and printable bookmarks for each strategy.


Exam Preparation: 

5 Tips to Study Effectively for your Exams

Studyvibe - The study website Studyvibe contains resources, videos and tools all designed to support students in maintaining a high level of application in the lead up to their major exams. It provides great links on organisation, time management and research skills. Studyvibe also lists a number of iPad apps that are useful for study and learning. This is a site not only for students but for teachers and parents too.

Revision Hints and Tips from the University of Sheffield


Exam Technique: 

13 Tips on How to Deal with Exam Stress

Ten Better Tips for Test Taking

Past ATAR Course exams